Saturday 26 July 2008



PREPOSITIONS ( at,in,on,after,before,during,within,by,on ....)
-I can only relay on myself to achieve my goals
-After my Pre-sessional course i will be doing a Master degree in Finance
-Before coming to the UK i use to live in France/I use to live in France before
-During my time as a Treasurer asked me to forecast the expenses for the week
-the self-study blog Should be submitted by Friday
-the self-study blog should be submitted within 6 days
-you must have finished your homework by know


This e-mail is an invitation to a special event on the 12/05/05
as a lecturer you will be deciding on the topic and discuss your point of view with
your audience before the press conference at 2pm.

look forward to seeing you.

Present simple: she cooks the best cake in the all town
present perfect: she has worked for this firm until now
present continuous: are you doing your homework right now
past simple: it was requested by the director
past continuous: there were begining to look suspicious
past perfect: she bought her cooking book in Tesco's

Present Simple:kiss/kisses
Past Simple:kissed
Future Simple:will kiss
Present Perfect:has/have kissed
Past Perfect:had kissed
Future Perfect:will have kissed
Present Continuous (Progressive):is/am/are kissing
Past Continuous (Progressive):was kissing
Future Continuous (Progressive)will be kissing
Present Perfect Continuous (Progressive):has/have been kissing
Past Perfect Continuous (Progressive):had been kissing
Future Perfect Continuous (Progressive):will have been kissing

prefix cahnge the meaning and suffix can change the world class
Exemple of prefix: unusual,undevelopp,unacceptable,unbielivable
Exemple of suffix: Economically etc.....

" US doesn't use present perfect as much as british"
state verbs: like, hear, think, love don't use "ing"
state verb: express a fact
action verb: express what is happening ......

which, who,whose (pluriel),when,where.

relative clause can be defining or non defining
_I hate a sandwich which i had brought with me ( defining)
_ I have a friend who liked jazz music
_you can take it away ( non defining )


reminder: use to connect phases
it can coordinate or subordinate
Coordinate: and, but,or,for,either,neither,therefore,moreover......
_My house is outside london but i enjoy the counrty side
subordinate: who, which, that.....( like some relative clause)


use to put the idea or phraseetc... in order
Exemple: then, fisrtly, secondly,while etc.......

Reminder: in grammar we got 4 types of links
-reference: used to avoid repetition( mostly used for subject)
-substitution/ellipsis: to replace/to disappear,to leave out
-conjunction: connect with........
-lexacal cohesion: vocabulary with definition......( like in books) to help the reader to understand the vocabulary

Tentative expressions

Appear to /Example: My Father appears to be a very strict men.
seems to be/ Example: my english course seems to have improved my english
indicate /Example: The graph indicate an increased of poverty from 1980-1999
on the whole/ Example: on the whole my essay was discussing the impact of globalisation
maybe /Example: Reaseach online may be a good way to start your essay
Generally/ Example: I generally don't take is words as guaranted
suggest /Example: i will suggest to take your umbrella because of the weather forecast
sometimes/ Example: i sometimes need to shut my mouth

no articles,no plural
VERBS PATTERNS(ing or infinitive(to be))
Appear+infinitive(to be)
Allow+object+infinitive(i allow them to hand....)
Remember+ing( for memory in the past+to (don't forget))
Dilek gave 10 ways to improve your listening
1-Finding area of interest
2-Maintain eye contact
3-Judge the content
4-don't listen defensively
5-listen for idea ( main, central fact)
6-be fl6exible in note taking
7-work at listening
8-resist distraction
9-exercise your mind
10-keep the mind up

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