Sunday, 7 September 2008

Ready for my Master?

Topic: international Fiancial Markets
Professor J.Sachs was Economist in columbia university
Summary: J.Sachs was interviewed about Economic growth and the impact on the planet
after defining grow as" an improvement of materiel conditions".I believes that its possible to have a better leaving standard with the economic growth without damanaging our planet resources if we consider conserving, he also acknowledge that the economic groth is not for everyone.
about Africa, problem is not due poverty to the history,ecology and weak infrastructure.


Summary: this lecture gives the objective of the corporate on decision making
basically, its to maximise Assets and Equity value,to achieve that there certain measures
to take such as maximise stock prices which is not against the employee needs because in most big firms there are stockholders and also not again the customers because in business keeping the customer happy is the route to price maxi ( because it occure costs but better quality for exemple)

Topic: Qantitative Resaerch Methods for Finance ( oh lalala!!!!!)
Content: this course will help analysis of business matters by the use of scientific research as a problem solving tool.

I have chosen this course because i Have got a previuos background
in finance and work in this industry for 6 years.
my aim is to have a recognise master degree which will enable me to
have an international career.

let me introduce you the course stucture

this master as we all now is divided into
Core Module:
Quantitative reasearch methods for finance(C1 )
Corporate Finance (C2 )
Financial Markets and Portfolio Analys( C3)
Managing Finance( C4 )
2 Optional Modules ( i choosed )
Corporate Treasury Management ( O1 )
Risk Hedging and Financial instruments (O2 )

First very important book for international student i guess
the Dictionnary for the Financial vocabulary which has been recommended by my English teacher .
"Fiancial English"
With Mini-dictionary from Ian Mackenzie
Comment: this mini-dictionnary its easy to use and got 1000 financial and economic terms

For C1-handbook of Media and managent&Economies/Edition Alan B.,Albarran;co-editors M.chan-olmsted,Micheal O.Wirth
For C2-Essentials of corporate finance?stephen Ross,Randolph Westerfield,Bradford Jordan.
For C3-Handbook of investment Resaerch:Economics and Financial indicators as market movers
For C4-Managing Finance/a socially respomsible approach from/author:David Crowther
For O1-Corporate management&Cash management/ Author:Robert Cooper
-Introduction to Treasury managenet/ Author:Andrew Foulkes&Richard Raeburn

In order to understand i bit about the course at london met i spoke to Sonia ( former student in Finance at London Met) who answered few questions for me, here the summary.

Sonia says that the course is very well read and she had a lack of facilities compare to the others university such as the bibliotheque which is very resourceful.she also enjoyed the seminars because its helps student to be more interactive. However, she will have prefer to have more one to one tutorials and less group work because it can be difficult to organise yourself for the others modules.

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