very good for vocabulary
British manufacturers are enduring brutal inflationary pressures as well as a downturn in demand in many of their markets, as the challenges facing the UK's industrial provide a key theme in a relatively quiet week for releases.
Industrial production for July, due output on Tuesday, will show the downturn in gathering pace. The forecast is for the year-on-year decline in manufacturing to fall from -1.3 per cent to -1.1 per cent. new orders are declining and further weakness in appears inevitable.
Dear Steve,
I am very excited about my English course;
i believe, this program will first of all, gives me the panoramic knowledge in English to achieve my master degree and also enable me to analyse, assess, write anything especially reports
and help me to do better speeches and presentations which are crucial for my career as financial consultant.
ten years ago i studied financial management with a previous accountancy background after my study i worked as a treasurer for 5 years in France with this role i realise he importance of English language for someone who want to have an international career;
therefore i decided to move to the UK to do my master degree in finance where my favourite subjects like risk management, financial analysing and corporate treasurer are.
5 questions people usually ask
Where do you come from?
Why did you decided to come to the UK
Do you enjoy living here?
Do you plan to go back to your country?
Do you prefer living in the UK than France?
5 questions people don't usually ask
What do you do for living?
How much do you earn?
How do you cope with the English weather?
Are you married?
Do you miss France?
3 questions that i am happy people don't ask
Have you got children?
Are you married?
How much do you earn?
for London metropolitan pre-sessionnal Student
( Authors: Zhang / Thuba / Marie )
1. What is your gender?
2.Which type of sport o you practise?
Individual Other
Collective None of the above
3. How often do you do Sports
Everyday Sometimes
4. What is the main reason for doing sport?
Appearance Health
Socialise with people Look for new sexy partner
5. Would you like to join the London met gym?
( if no, please give your reason)
Yes No.............
6. Have you ever Taken any nutriment?
Yes No...............
7. What do you expect from London Met gym?
Varied facilities Cheap membership
Modern All of the above
8. How many hours a week do you practise sport?
Less than 1 hour 1-3 hours
3-5 hours 5 or more
People in the US takes TV as granted and watched it for 30hrs/weeks ,their favourite programs are drama and comedy, over there the ability of media to expend fictional as really influence the real world and can lead to confusion.
Media literacy define as a power of media has been the root of endless arguments such as stereotype; in the US only 38% of the character on TV are women which is not significant if we bear in mind that there represent 50% of the actual population.
according to the fact that image is crucial in us TV directors tent to make the audience recognise the character by the use of stereotype so, the men character can do more than a women, sold problems without any assistance,however, for women it is always about , relationship, problem with her love life regardless the fact that she is clever and got a good position to stand for in the society another example of stereotype will be that 50% of the ccharacter on TV are wealthy which doesn't reflect the reality as we all know that it's much lower in reality and 1/3 of the character have professional jobs in reality it is only 11% of the population.
we could conclude by saying that TV is a product,people are looking for to escape from the reality to a fantasy world which can lead to confusion.
Since is first appearance in the 1900 no one could have guess that Television will become one of the most popular leisure in the world.
wherever you are in Iran, Japan,China,Vietnam, Thailand or France ( country of the participants) the news program is one of the most demanded.
In Iran as well as the news football is one the favourite.
TV program can affect certain people eating habits such as french who synchronise their diner time with the 8 o'clock news usually share in the living room with family or friend ; the others places in the house where this people prefer to have there TV is the children room or the kitchen where there watch in average for 3h/day same as Thailand's
in Tahiland teenagers devoted their TV time to Sitcom,Soap opera and music and Japanese cartoons are their favourite.
In Japan after lunch time cooking program get a big audience due to the tremendous number of housewife, US television have also a big influence on the Japanese people viewing habits; Reality TV shows, and soap opera are very famous.
There is no watershed in Japan and China because TV is under a strict control of the government and no indecent or violent movies is allowed; by opposition to Vietnam where you can have sex film on TV any time of the day.
in Vietnam Games shows got a very big audience for teenager music and cartoon are very demanded.
English prononciation if quiet hard as english poeple use stress went they speak and
The bold represent the schwas in this article
BBC Proms, Royal Albert Hall, London
By Richard Fairman
On the way home from Saturday’s late-night Prom a distant clap of thunder rumbled around the sky. Somewhere up there, I thought, Karlheinz Stockhausen is still at work, conjuring awesome sounds to put in his next cosmic musical creation.
There could not have been a better occasion than the BBC Proms for a memorial concert to Stockhausen, who died at the end of last year. The audience is generally open to experimental ideas such as his and the vast Royal Albert Hall is well suited to the work of a composer afflicted with a serious case of megalomania.
Expanded context:
On May 30 Honduras protested officially to El Salvador over an attack on a Honduran patrol in Honduran waters on May 23 and the violation of airspace on May 29 when, it said, a Salvadorean aircraft had dropped propaganda leaflets on refugee camps in the border area. Relations with Nicaragua were tense over the presence in Honduras of United States-financed Nicaraguan
To improve english prononciation you should know the phonemic symbols and learn
the sounds; the number of sound is 40
before coming to the uk people often say to me that if you want to have a good pronounciation in english you have to pronounce your T's,R's and S's for poeple who have the same understanding of prononciation like me there is exception when a /T/or /D/ are between 2 consonants they DISAPPEAR
Example: I am going nex(t) week
my opinion: this lecture was quiet a new approach because it was combine with a case
it was enjoyeable like a movie......
there opinion about a topic and also push them to do some research in order to be efficient during the discussionand it also a good way to broaden our mind......
Dilek Homework
Summary of text by qoting
Rajagopalan believe that english language doesn't contribuate to the death of others "Rajagopalan K.(2005)....Then, he has gave an example of Latin America where the native languages are disappearing or replace by new onesis uch as America;in order to support his view point.
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