Friday 27 June 2008

MELI - MELO ( Bits and pieces )

Interpretation of........
never say: "the minority of student feel guilty.........."
always say: " the Number of student who feel guilty about illegaly downloading music are
in minority"

For people like me with prononciation difficulties and Grammar also
Helen recommend

" English prononciation in use " ( online or book )
" English grammar in Use " ( online or Book )

The resarch report on 6 parts:
Background / Known or none known informations
Aims / aswer to the bacground,reason why doing this reseach
Method / how are going to process ( sample, data collection etc......)
Findings / result of your research
Conclusion/ the answer of the aims and the other informations you found

Passive= Auxi verb ( to be)+verb+ED/ no subject
Active= Subjective+verb+object

some expressions to help you writting your report
however (contrast)
instead (opposed)
By far ( superlatif)
Closely (adverb)
Clearly (adverb)

to introduce new opinion
Majority, underhalf, significant, roughly etc.........
with regard to, in terms of, as for their choice,
variety to write about poeple you interview
adverb for comment
interstingly, encouragingly,surprisingly etc......

-all of the students ( noun )
-all of us ( pronoum )
a large amount of rice ( uncountable noum )
a large number of students ( countable noun)

on line writing website

Grammar for my finding's
Almost a.......of.......
About three quaters......
as always follows by adjective

Almost exactly+ quatifier ( exple: half.....)
never use an adjective ( exple: almost eaxctly of...)
A quater of
half of
twice/ three times as long as
as likely as
as heavy as
idetical to
the same as

it is useful to have some citation of example when you have a ot of writting to do
it help you you fill up he gap........ ( secret...........)

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